Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Applied Thermodynamics For Engineers

Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: NPTEL IIT Guwahati
So Let Us Start to This Journey of Learning
Applied Thermodynamics For Engineers By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 1: Applied Thermodynamics For Engineers
Lecture 3: Lec 2: First & second laws of thermodynamics
Lecture 9: Lec 8: Liquid-vapor phase-change process
Lecture 10: Lec 9: Use of property tables
Lecture 12: Lec 11: Ideal cycles for reciprocating engines
Lecture 13: Lec 12: Otto, Diesel & Dual combustion cycles
Lecture 14: Lec 13: Stirling & Ericsson cycles
Lecture 15: Lec 14: Fuel-air cycle
Lecture 16: Lec 15: Numerical exercise on Fuel-air cycles
Lecture 18: Lec 17: Ideal Brayton cycle
Lecture 20: Lec 19: Regeneration in Brayton cycle
Lecture 21: Lec 20: Ideal Rankine cycle
Lecture 23: Lec 22: Regenerative Rankine cycle
Lecture 24: Lec 23: Binary vapor power cycle
Lecture 25: Lec 24: Combined gas-steam power plant
Lecture 26: Lec 25: Different arrangments in combined cycles
Lecture 27: Lec 26: Vapor compression refrigeration cycle
Lecture 28: Lec 27: SSS cycles & refrigerants
Lecture 29: Lec 28: Modifications in VCR systems
Lecture 30: Lec 29: Vapor absorption refrigeration cycle
Lecture 31: Lec 30: P-v-T behavior of gas mixtures
Lecture 32: Lec 31: Numerical examples
Lecture 33: Lec 32: Properties of moist air
Lecture 35: Lec 34: Sensible heat factor & bypass factor
Lecture 36: Lec 35: Theoretical & actual combustion process