Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Development Research Methods

Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: NPTEL IIT Guwahati
So Let Us Start to This Journey of Learning
Development Research Methods By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 1: Development Research Methods
Lecture 5: Lec 4: Paradigms of Development Research
Lecture 6: Lec 5: Development Research-Development Work Continuum and Action Research in Development Studies
Lecture 8: Lec 7: Literature Study
Lecture 10: Lec 9: Introducing Qualitative Research Methods
Lecture 12: Lec 11: Interviews and Focus Group Discussions
Lecture 13: Lec 12: Participatory Methods and Approaches
Lecture 16: Lec 15: An Overview of Mixed Methods Research
Lecture 17: Lec 16. Field Surveys and Inventories
Lecture 18: Lec 17: Logical Framwork and SWOT Analysis
Lecture 20: Lec 19: Communicating Research
Lecture 22: Lec 21: Poverty Measures and Analysis
Lecture 24: Lec 23: Social Capital Assessment Tools
Lecture 25: Lec 24: Moitoring & Evaluation
Lecture 26: Lec 25: A Final Note