Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Finite Element Method: Variational Methods to Computer Programming

Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: NPTEL IIT Guwahati
So Let Us Start to This Journey of Learning
Finite Element Method: Variational Methods to Computer Programming By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 4: Lec 3: Differential equation, Variational statement and Minimization problem; Rayleigh-Ritz method
Lecture 5: Lec 4: FEM steps: Explained with discrete linear springs; Gaussian Quadrature rule for integration
Lecture 9: Lec 8: Bar Element: Postprocessing; Comparison with Analytical Solution; Bar with linear springs
Lecture 13: Lec 12: Beam Element: Matlab implementation for the example with Non-uniform distributed load
Lecture 16: Lec 15: Generalization of Geometry data; Stiffness matrix, Load vector formation at element level
Lecture 17: Lec 16: Generalization of Assembly, Imposition of Boundary condition and Load information
Lecture 19: Lec 18: Second order tensor; Gradient, Divergence, Curl and Laplacian in Indicial notation
Lecture 20: Lec 19: Gauss Divergence theorem and its application in Heat transfer and Structural analysis
Lecture 23: Lec 22: Numerical example, assembly, mapping
Lecture 26: Lec 25: Development of a MATLAB code for solving 2D steady-state heat conduction problem
Lecture 27: Lec 26: Demonstration of the MATLAB code