Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Theoretical Mechanics
Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: NPTEL IIT Guwahati
So Let Us Start to This Journey of Learning
Theoretical Mechanics By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 1: Theoretical Mechanics
Lecture 2: Lec 01: Introduction, Constraints
Lecture 4: Lec 03 : Principle of Virtual Work
Lecture 5: Lec 04 : D'Alembert's Principle
Lecture 6: Lec 05 : Lagrange's Equations
Lecture 7: Lec 6: Hamilton's Principle
Lecture 9: Lec 8: Conservation Laws and Symmetries
Lecture 11: Lec 10: An Example: Hoop on a ramp
Lecture 12: Lec 11: Phase Space
Lecture 14: Lec 13: Classification of Orbits
Lecture 15: Lec 14: Determining Orbits
Lecture 16: Lec 15: Kepler Problem
Lecture 17: Lec 16: Runge-Lenz Vector, Virial Theorem
Lecture 18: Lec 17: Scattering - I
Lecture 19: Lec 18: Scattering -II
Lecture 20: Lec 19: Rigid Bodies and Generalised Coordinates
Lecture 21: Lec 20: Rotations and Euler Angles
Lecture 22: Lec 21: Rotating Frames
Lecture 23: Lec 22: Instantaneous Angular Velocity
Lecture 24: Lec 23: Moment of Inertia Tensor
Lecture 25: Lec 24: Euler Equations
Lecture 26: Lec 25: Heavy Symmetric Top
Lecture 27: Lec 26: Legendre Transforms
Lecture 28: Lec 27: Hamilton's Equations
Lecture 29: Lec 28: Conservation Laws, Routh's procedure
Lecture 30: Lec 29: An Example:Bead on Spinning Ring
Lecture 31: Lec 30: Canonical Transformations
Lecture 32: Lec 31: Symplectic Condition
Lecture 34: Lec 33: Poisson Bracket Formulation
Lecture 35: Lec 34: Infinitesimal Canonical Transformations
Lecture 36: Lec 35: Symmetry Groups of Mechanical Systems
Lecture 37: Lec 36: Hamilton Jacobi Theory
Lecture 38: Lec 37: Action-Angle Variables
Lecture 39: Lec 38: Separation of Variables and Examples
Lecture 40: Lec 39: Small Oscillations
Lecture 41: Lec 40: Coupled Oscillators
Lecture 42: Lec 41: General Formalism
Lecture 43: Lec 42: Double Pendulum