Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on C Programming

Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: Neso Academy
So Let Us Start to This Journey of Learning
C Programming By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 115: Passing Array as an Argument to a Function
Lecture 116: Using Pointers to Print 2D Arrays
Lecture 117: Processing the Multidimensional Array Elements (or) Address Arithmetic of Multidimensional Arrays
Lecture 118: Pointers (Program 3)
Lecture 119: Pointers (Program 4)
Lecture 120: Pointer Pointing to an Entire Array
Lecture 121: Pointer Pointing to an Entire Array (Solved Problem)
Lecture 122: Pointers (Program 5)
Lecture 123: Pointers (Program 6)
Lecture 124: Pointers (Program 7)
Lecture 125: Pointers (Program 8)
Lecture 126: Pointers (Program 9)
Lecture 127: Basics of String Literals
Lecture 128: Storing the String Literals
Lecture 129: Performing Operations on String Literals
Lecture 130: String Literal vs. Character Constant
Lecture 131: Declaring and Initializing String Variables
Lecture 132: Writing Strings using printf and puts Functions
Lecture 133: Reading Strings using scanf and gets Functions
Lecture 134: Designing The Input Function using getchar()
Lecture 135: putchar() Function in C
Lecture 136: Strings (Solved Problem 1)
Lecture 137: C String Library and String Copy Function - strcpy()
Lecture 138: String Length Function - strlen()
Lecture 139: String Concatenate Functions - strcat() & strncat()
Lecture 140: String Comparison Function - strcmp()
Lecture 141: Array of Strings
Lecture 142: Strings (Solved Problem 2)
Lecture 143: Strings (Solved Problem 3)
Lecture 144: Strings (Solved Problem 4)
Lecture 145: Strings (Solved Problem 5)
Lecture 146: Strings (Solved Problem 6)
Lecture 147: Function Pointers in C
Lecture 148: Application of Function Pointers in C
Lecture 149: Introduction to Structures in C
Lecture 150: Declaring Structure Variables
Lecture 151: Structure Types (Using Structure Tags)
Lecture 152: Structure Types (Using typedef)
Lecture 153: Initializing & Accessing the Structure Members
Lecture 154: Designated Initialization in Structures
Lecture 155: Declaring an Array of Structure
Lecture 156: Pointer to Structure Variable
Lecture 157: Structure Padding in C
Lecture 158: Structure Packing in C
Lecture 159: Structures in C (Solved Problem 1)
Lecture 160: Structures in C (Solved Problem 2)
Lecture 161: Structures in C (Solved Problem 3)
Lecture 162: Introduction to Unions in C
Lecture 163: Unions in C (Solved Problem 1)
Lecture 164: Application of Unions (Part 1)
Lecture 165: Application of Unions (Part 2)
Lecture 166: Enumerations in C
Lecture 167: Program to Find Area of Rectangle Using Structures
Lecture 168: Structures & Unions in C (Solved Problem)