Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Data Structures and Algorithms

Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: Simple Snippets
So Let Us Start to This Journey of Learning
Data Structures and Algorithms By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 61: C++ PROGRAM to Implement STACK using SINGLY LINKED LIST | (FULL CODE) | Data structures & Algorithms
Lecture 62: Queue Implementation using Linked List Data Structure | Working + Pseudocode + Diagram | Part - 1
Lecture 63: C++ Program to Implement Queue using Linked List (FULL CODE with Diagram) | Data structures - Part 2
Lecture 64: Circular Queue Implementation using Linked List Data Structure(C++ Program with Diagram Explanation)
Lecture 66: What is a Tree? | Introduction to Tree Data Structure (diagram) | Important Tree Terms & Properties
Lecture 67: Introduction to Binary Tree Data structure | Properties, variants & modes of implementation | DSA
Lecture 68: Binary SEARCH Tree (BST) Data structure | How BST has O(log N) Time Complexity for Searching? | DSA
Lecture 70: Binary Search Tree (BST) - INSERTION operation(with C++ Code) | Part 2 - Insert New Node Operation
Lecture 71: Binary Tree Traversal Techniques(with Diagram) | DFS vs BFS | DFS - Preorder vs Inorder vs Postorder
Lecture 73: InOrder Tree Traversal Technique (Working with Diagram & C++ Code) | DFS Tree Traversal Technique
Lecture 74: Post Order Tree Traversal Technique (Working with Diagram & C++ Code) | DFS Tree Traversal Technique
Lecture 75: Print Binary Tree Data Structure in a Graphical way (with C++ Code) on Command Prompt | DSA
Lecture 76: Search Operation in Binary Search Tree (BST) | Iterative Search Technique(Full C++ Code) | DSA
Lecture 77: Search Operation in Binary Search Tree (BST) using RECURSION | Recursive Search Technique (C++ Code)
Lecture 78: Find Height of a Binary Tree using Recursive Function | Recursion approach | BST Implemenation | DSA
Lecture 79: Breadth First Search (BFS) aka (Level Order Tree) Traversal in Binary Tree (With Full C++ Code)
Lecture 80: Delete Node Operation in Binary Search Tree (BST) | Working + Pseudocode (With Full C++ Code) | DSA
Lecture 82: What is AVL tree ? 4 Basic Rotations(Left, Right, Left-Right, Right-Left) for Balancing with Diagram
Lecture 84: AVL Tree Insertion Example(2 Solved Problems) with Diagram & Explanation | AVL trees - DSA
Lecture 85: AVL Tree Deletion Working with Diagram & Explanation (1 Solved Problem) | AVL trees - DSA
Lecture 86: Insertion in Binary Search Tree (BST) using RECURSIVE FUNCTION (Working with Diagram) | DSA
Lecture 87: Working of AVL Tree Insertion Operation(Recursive Method) with Rotations & Full C++ Program Code
Lecture 89: AVL Tree ALL Operation(Insertion, Deletion, Rotations, Balance factor, Searching) with Full C++ Code
Lecture 90: What is Heap Data Structure | Types, Applications, Implementation & Standard Heap Operations
Lecture 91: Heap Data Structure Implementation using Arrays | C++ Program Setup(Part - 1) | Min Heap
Lecture 92: Insertion in Heap Data Structure - Step by Step Working with Diagram (With Full C++ Code) |
Lecture 93: ExtractMin and Heapify in Heap Data Structure - Step by Step Working with Diagram (Full C++ Code)
Lecture 94: Delete Key Operation in Heap Data Structure - Step by Step Working with Diagram (Full C++ Code)
Lecture 96: Introduction to Graph Data Structure - What is a Graph ? | Tress vs Graphs | Types & Real Examples
Lecture 101: Graph Data Structure (C++ Code Implementation - Part 1) | Adjacency List Implementation
Lecture 102: Graph DS - Add Vertex Operation (C++ Code Implementation - Part 2) | Adjacency List Implementation
Lecture 103: Graph DS - Add Edge Operation (C++ Code Implementation - Part 3) | Adjacency List Implementation
Lecture 104: Graph DS - Print Graph Operation (C++ Code Implementation - Part 4) | Adjacency List Implementation
Lecture 105: Graph DS - Update Edge Graph Operation (C++ Code - Part 5) | Adjacency List Implementation
Lecture 106: Graph DS - Delete Edge Graph Operation (C++ Code - Part 6) | Adjacency List Implementation
Lecture 107: Graph DS - Delete Vertex Graph Operation (C++ Code - Part 7) | Adjacency List Implementation
Lecture 108: Graph DS - Update Vertex Graph Operation (C++ Code - Part 8) | Adjacency List Implementation
Lecture 109: Graph DS - Print all Neighbours of a Vertex (C++ Code - Part 8) | Adjacency List Implementation
Lecture 110: M-way(Multiway) tree & M-way Search Data structure | Binary Search tree VS M-way Search Tree | DSA
Lecture 115: What is HASHING ? | Why do we NEED it? | What is a Hash Function | (Example - Array vs Hash Table)