Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Nonlinear Vibration

Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: NPTEL IIT Guwahati
So Let Us Start to This Journey of Learning
Nonlinear Vibration By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 1: Nonlinear Vibration
Lecture 2: Lec 1 : Introduction to mechanical systems
Lecture 6: Lec 5 : ExtendedHamilton’s principle
Lecture 9: Lec 8 : Straight forward expansion
Lecture 10: Lec 9 : Lindstd-Poincare’ method
Lecture 11: Lec 10 : Method of Averaging
Lecture 12: Lec 11 : Method of multiple scales
Lecture 14: Lec 13 : Free vibration of undamped and damped SDOF systems with quadratic and cubic nonlinearity
Lecture 17: Lec 16 : Nonlinear system with hard excitations
Lecture 20: Lect 19: Floquet theory, Hill's infinite determinant, Resonance in parametrically excited systems
Lecture 25: Lec 24 : Analysis of chaotic system
Lecture 29: Lec 28 : Pasive and Active vibration absorber with displacement and acceleration feedback
Lecture 37: Lec 36 : Chaotic systems and control of chaos