Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Theory of Computation & Automata Theory

Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: Neso Academy
So Let Us Start to This Journey of Learning
Theory of Computation & Automata Theory By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 58: Equivalence of Two Finite Automata
Lecture 59: Equivalence of Two Finite Automata (Example)
Lecture 60: Pumping Lemma (For Regular Languages)
Lecture 63: Regular Grammar
Lecture 64: Derivations from a Grammar
Lecture 65: Context Free Grammar & Context Free Language
Lecture 73: Derivation Tree (Left & Right Derivation Trees)
Lecture 74: Ambiguous Grammar
Lecture 75: Simplification of CFG (Reduction of CFG)
Lecture 78: Chomsky Normal Form & CFG to CNF Conversion
Lecture 79: Conversion of CFG to Chomsky Normal Form
Lecture 80: Greibach Normal Form & CFG to GNF Conversion
Lecture 82: Pumping Lemma (For Context Free Languages)
Lecture 85: Pushdown Automata (Introduction)
Lecture 86: Pushdown Automata (Formal Definition)
Lecture 87: Pushdown Automata (Graphical Notation)
Lecture 91: Equivalence of CFG and PDA (Part 1)
Lecture 92: Equivalence of CFG and PDA (Part 2a)
Lecture 93: Equivalence of CFG and PDA (Part 2b)
Lecture 94: Turing Machine - Introduction (Part 1)
Lecture 95: Turing Machine - Introduction (Part 2)
Lecture 96: Turing Machine (Formal Definition)
Lecture 97: Turing Machine (Example 1)
Lecture 98: Turing Machine (Example 2)
Lecture 99: The Church-Turing Thesis
Lecture 100: Turing Machine for Even Palindromes
Lecture 101: Turing Machine Programming Techniques (Part 1)
Lecture 102: Turing Machine Programming Techniques (Part 2)
Lecture 103: Turing Machine Programming Techniques (Part 3)
Lecture 104: Multitape Turing Machine
Lecture 105: Nondeterministic Turing Machine (Part 1)
Lecture 106: Nondeterministic Turing Machine (Part 2)
Lecture 107: Turing Machine as Problem Solvers
Lecture 108: Decidability and Undecidability
Lecture 109: Universal Turing Machine
Lecture 110: The Halting Problem
Lecture 111: Undecidability of the Halting Problem
Lecture 112: The Post Correspondence Problem
Lecture 113: Undecidability of the Post Correspondence Problem
Lecture 114: TOC – Conclusion and Summary