Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on MIT 5.07SC Biological Chemistry I, Fall 2013
Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: MIT OpenCourseWare
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MIT 5.07SC Biological Chemistry I, Fall 2013 By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 6: 5. Enzymes and Catalysis
Lecture 7: Problem Set 2, Problem 1: Primary Structure
Lecture 9: Carbonyl Chemistry
Lecture 12: Introduction to Carbohydrate Catabolism
Lecture 14: Glycolysis and Early Stages of Respiration
Lecture 15: Respiration: TCA Cycle
Lecture 17: Maintenance of Redox Neutrality
Lecture 20: Respiration: Proton Pumps and ATP Synthesis
Lecture 21: Lipod Catabolism: Fatty Acid Beta-Oxidation
Lecture 22: Special Cases in Fatty Acid Metabolism
Lecture 24: Ketogenesis, Diabetes, and Starvation
Lecture 25: The Science Behind Type II Diabetes
Lecture 26: Blood Sugar Fluctuations and Gluconeogenesis
Lecture 27: When Your Breath Smells Like Nail Polish Remover
Lecture 28: Fatty Acids and Lipid Biosynthesis
Lecture 29: Carbohydrate Biosynthesis I: Glycogen Synthesis
Lecture 30: Carbohydrate Biosynthesis II: Gluconeogenesis
Lecture 31: Problem Set 10, Problem 3: Gluconeogenesis
Lecture 32: Pentose Phosphate Pathway
Lecture 33: PLP (Pyridoxal Phosphate) Reactions
Lecture 34: Regulation of Metabolism