Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on MIT 8.851 Effective Field Theory, Spring 2013
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MIT 8.851 Effective Field Theory, Spring 2013 By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 2: 2. Dimensional Power Counting
Lecture 3: 3. Field Redefinitions
Lecture 4: 4. Matching and Decoupling
Lecture 6: 6. Chiral Lagrangians
Lecture 7: 7. Chiral Loops
Lecture 8: 8. Heavy Quark Effective Theory (HQET)
Lecture 9: 9. HQET Matching & Power Corrections
Lecture 10: 10. HQET Examples
Lecture 11: 11. Renormalons
Lecture 12: 12. More Renormalons
Lecture 13: 13. EFT with Fine Tuning
Lecture 14: 14. EFT with Fine Tuning Part 2
Lecture 16: 16. SCET Collinear Wilson Lines
Lecture 17: 17. SCET Multipole Expansion
Lecture 18: 18. SCET Beyond Tree Level
Lecture 19: 19. SCET Beyond Tree Level 2
Lecture 20: 20. SCET Wilson Coefficients
Lecture 21: 21. SCET Sudakov Logarithms
Lecture 22: 22. SCET for DIS
Lecture 23: 23. SCET for Dijets
Lecture 24: 24. SCETII
Lecture 25: 25. SCET_2 Rapidity RGE
Lecture 26: 26. SCET for LHC