Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Data Structure

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Faculty Name: Saurabh Shukla Sir
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Data Structure By Lecture Notes together!
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Lecture Description of this above Topic:
Lecture 1: Introduction to Data Structure
Lecture 2: Analysis of Algorithm in DS
Lecture 3: Arrays in Data Structure
Lecture 4: Recursion and Backtracking in DS Part 1
Lecture 5: Recursion and Backtracking Part 2
Lecture 6: Program of Tower of Hanoi
Lecture 7: Program of factorial with recursion
Lecture 8: Program of Fibonacci Series with recursion
Lecture 10: Stack in Data Structure Part 1
Lecture 11: Stack in Data Structure Part 2
Lecture 12: Program All Permutation of a String
Lecture 13: Program Printing all binary strings of n length
Lecture 14: Doubly Linked List Part 1
Lecture 15: Polish Notation in Data Structure
Lecture 16: Infix to Postfix Algorithm
Lecture 17: Evaluation of Postfix Expression
Lecture 18: Queue in Data Structure
Lecture 19: Array Implementation of Queue
Lecture 20: Introduction to Tree in Data Structure
Lecture 21: Binary Tree in Data Structure
Lecture 22: Representation of Binary Tree in Data Structure
Lecture 23: Preorder Traversal of Binary Tree with Recursion
Lecture 24: Inorder Traversal of Binary Tree with Recursion
Lecture 26: Level Order Traversal of Binary Tree
Lecture 27: Binary Search Tree
Lecture 28: Double Ended Queue in Data Structure
Lecture 30: Insert an element in Binary Search Tree
Lecture 31: Deletion in Binary Search Tree
Lecture 32: AVL Tree
Lecture 33: Rotations in AVL Tree
Lecture 34: Solved Example of Rotations in AVL Tree
Lecture 35: What is Heap
Lecture 36: Insertion and Deletion in Heap
Lecture 37: Threaded Binary Tree
Lecture 38: M way Search Tree
Lecture 39: B Tree
Lecture 40: Linear Search in Data Structure
Lecture 41: Binary Search in Data Structure
Lecture 42: What is Hashing in Data Structure
Lecture 43: Hash Functions in Data Structure
Lecture 45: Bubble Sort Algorithm and Program
Lecture 46: Modified Bubble Sort Algorithm and Program
Lecture 47: Selection Sort Algorithm and Program
Lecture 48: Insertion Sort Algorithm and Program
Lecture 49: Quick Sort Algorithm and Program
Lecture 50: Heap Sort Algorithm and Program
Lecture 51: Merge sort Logic explained in Data Structure
Lecture 52: Merge Sort Program Explained in Data Structure
Lecture 53: Introduction to Graphs in Data Structure
Lecture 54: Representation of Graph in Data Structure
Lecture 56: Counting Sort in Data Structure
Lecture 58: Breadth First Search in Data Structure
Lecture 59: Depth First Search in Data Structure
Lecture 60: Minimal Spanning Tree in Data Structure
Lecture 61: Kruskal's Algorithm Explained in Data Structure
Lecture 62: Prim's Algorithm in Data Structure
Lecture 63: Dijkstra's algorithm in Data structure