Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Physics : Motion In One Dimension

Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: Michel van BiezenFaculty Name: Michel van Biezen Sir
So Let Us Start to This Journey of Learning
Physics : Motion In One Dimension
By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 1: Definition
Lecture 2: Equations in Kinematics
Lecture 3: Graphing Position
Lecture 4: Graphing Velocity
Lecture 5: Graphing Acceleration
Lecture 6: Graphing Motion in Summary
Lecture 7: Definition of dx/dt
Lecture 8: Example 1
Lecture 9: Example 2
Lecture 10: Example 3
Lecture 11: Example 4
Lecture 12: Free Fall: Basics
Lecture 13: Free Fall: Conceptual Approach
Lecture 14: Free Fall: Ex. 1: Finding Velocity
Lecture 15: Free Fall: Ex. 2: Finding Time
Lecture 16: Free Fall: Ex. 3: Finding Velocity and Time
Lecture 17: Free Fall: Ex. 4: Finding Velocity and Time
Lecture 18: Free Fall: Ex. 5: Finding Max Height
Lecture 19: More Examples
Lecture 20: Two Objects
Lecture 21: Two Objects
Lecture 22: Acceleration Not Constant