Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Physics - Convection: Test Your Knowledge

Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: Michel van BiezenFaculty Name: Michel van Biezen Sir
So Let Us Start to This Journey of Learning
Physics - Convection: Test Your Knowledge
By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 1: What is Convection?
Lecture 2: What is Thermal Resistance?
Lecture 3: Heat Transfer Values
Lecture 4: Horizontal vs Vertical Surfaces
Lecture 5: A Simple Example Part 1
Lecture 6: A Simple Example Part 2
Lecture 7: Temperature=? of Glass Surface
Lecture 8: Units Used in Convection
Lecture 9: The Transfer Coefficient Part 1
Lecture 10: The Transfer Coefficient Part 2
Lecture 11: The Transfer Coeff. in Detail
Lecture 12: What is the Nusselt Number?
Lecture 13: The Characteristic Length
Lecture 14: What is the Prandtl Number?
Lecture 15: Nusselt Number Example
Lecture 16: Nusselt # for a Perpend. Cylinder
Lecture 17: Flow Past a Sphere
Lecture 18: Flow Past a Wall
Lecture 19: Simple Horizontal Plate Ex. 1
Lecture 20: Simple Horizontal Plate Ex. 2
Lecture 21: Heat Flow Through Side of Cylinder
Lecture 22: Natural Convection from a Wall
Lecture 23: Forced Convection from a Pipe
Lecture 24: Convection from a Light Bulb
Lecture 25: Convection from a Light Tank
Lecture 26: Convection of a Boiling Pot