Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Physics - Electromagnetic Radiation

Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: Michel van BiezenFaculty Name: Michel van Biezen Sir
So Let Us Start to This Journey of Learning
Physics - Electromagnetic Radiation
By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 1: Intro: Basic Concepts
Lecture 2: Intro: E & B Field on an E & M Wave
Lecture 3: Intro: Intensity of an E & M Wave
Lecture 4: Intro: Energy of E & M Radiation
Lecture 5: Intro: Momentum of Light
Lecture 6: Intro: Pressure of Light
Lecture 7: Ex: Wavelength, Frequency, & Period
Lecture 8: Ex: Intensity of Light
Lecture 9: Ex: Laser Light
Lecture 10: Ex: Radiation Pressure
Lecture 11: Ex: Momentum of Light: Solar Sails
Lecture 12: What is Electromagnetic Radiation?
Lecture 13: Frequency and Wavelength
Lecture 14: What are sources of E&M Radiation
Lecture 15: Frequency of E&M Radiation and Temperature
Lecture 17: Dipole Antenna and E&M Radiation
Lecture 18: Dipole Antenna and E&M Radiation
Lecture 19: Dipole Antenna Radiation Pattern
Lecture 20: Plane E&M Waves
Lecture 21: Plane E&M Waves and Gauss' Law
Lecture 22: Plane E&M Waves and Faraday's Law
Lecture 23: Plane E&M Waves and Amjpere's Law
Lecture 24: Plane E&M Waves and Permitivity of Free Space
Lecture 25: Plane E&M Waves and Permeability of Free Space
Lecture 26: Plane E&M Waves and Wave Equation 1 (String)
Lecture 27: Plane E&M Waves and Wave Equation 2 (General)
Lecture 28: Plane E&M Waves and Wave Equation 3 (1-D)
Lecture 29: Plane E&M Waves and Energy Flow
Lecture 30: Plane E&M Waves and Power
Lecture 31: Plane E&M Waves and Power, Intensity
Lecture 32: Plane E&M Waves and Pressure
Lecture 33: Plane E&M Waves and Momentum