Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing of Satellite Data

Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: IIT Roorkee July 2018
So Let Us Start to This Journey of Learning
Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing of Satellite Data
By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 2: What is satellite based remote sensing?
Lecture 4: Different platforms of remote sensing
Lecture 8: Principles of image interpretation
Lecture 9: Multi-spectral scanners and imaging devices
Lecture 10: LANDSAT, IRS, Cartosat, ResourceSat etc. sensors
Lecture 13: Remote Sensing integration with GIS and GPS.
Lecture 14: Georeferencing Technique
Lecture 15: Basic image enhancement techniques
Lecture 16: Spatial filtering techniques
Lecture 17: Image classification techniques
Lecture 18: InSAR Technique and its applications
Lecture 19: Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
Lecture 21: Limitations of Remote Sensing Techniques
Lecture 23: Different techniques of Image acquisition
Lecture 24: Why is digital image processing important?
Lecture 27: Colour representations and transforms
Lecture 28: Image Histograms and statistics
Lecture 30: Image enhancement techniques –I
Lecture 31: Image enhancement techniques -II
Lecture 32: Multispectral transforms: scatter plot, principal component analysis and decorrelation stretch
Lecture 33: Spatial filtering techniques
Lecture 34: Frequency domain - Fourier transformation
Lecture 36: Image classification techniques
Lecture 37: Principles of image interpretation
Lecture 38: SAR Interferometry (InSAR) Technique
Lecture 39: Image merging and mosaicking techniques
Lecture 40: Applications of Image Analysis