Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on First order differential equations | Differential Equations | Khan Academy

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First order differential equations | Differential Equations | Khan Academy
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Lecture 1: Logistic function application
Lecture 2: Integrating factors 2
Lecture 3: First order homogeneous equations 2
Lecture 5: Differential equation introduction
Lecture 6: Creating a slope field
Lecture 7: First order homogenous equations
Lecture 11: Newton's Law of Cooling
Lecture 13: Slope field to visualize solutions
Lecture 15: Exact equations example 1
Lecture 16: Euler's method program code
Lecture 17: Worked example: Euler's method
Lecture 18: Modeling population as an exponential function
Lecture 19: Exact equations intuition 2 (proofy)
Lecture 20: Exact equations example 3
Lecture 21: Exact equations intuition 1 (proofy)
Lecture 22: Integrating factors 1
Lecture 23: Applying Newton's Law of Cooling to warm oatmeal
Lecture 25: Logistic differential equation intuition
Lecture 26: Euler's method
Lecture 27: Differential equation from slope field
Lecture 28: Exact equations example 2