Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on MATH: P-13 Number Theory and Graph Theory(e-PGP)

Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: Vidya-mitra
So Let Us Start to This Journey of Learning
MATH: P-13 Number Theory and Graph Theory(e-PGP)
By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 1: Introduction to arithmetic functions (MATH)
Lecture 2: Properties of Euler’s Phi-function (MATH)
Lecture 3: Euler’s Theorem and Dirichlet product (MATH)
Lecture 4: nth roots of unity (MATH)
Lecture 5: Primitive roots (MATH)
Lecture 6: Quadratic residues/non-residues (MATH)
Lecture 7: Gauss Lemma (AMTH)
Lecture 8: Quadratic Reciprocity Law (MATH)
Lecture 9: The Gaussian Integers (MATH)
Lecture 10: Pythagorean Triples (MATH)
Lecture 11: Pell’s Equation (MATH)
Lecture 12: Introduction to graph theory (MATH)
Lecture 15: Connectedness of a graph (MATH)
Lecture 17: Trees (MATH)
Lecture 18: Eulerian and Hamiltonian Graphs (MATH)
Lecture 19: Planar graphs and coloring (MATH)
Lecture 20: Matching and covering (MATH)
Lecture 21: Network flows (MATH)
Lecture 23: Adjacency matrix of a graph (MATH)
Lecture 25: Eigenvalues of some known graphs/digraphs (MATH)
Lecture 27: Nonnegative matrices (MATH)
Lecture 28: Incidence matrix of a graph (MATH)
Lecture 29: Laplacian matrix of a graph (MATH)