Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Organic Spectroscopy|Proton NMR|Mass spectrometry

Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: J Chemistry
So Let Us Start to This Journey of Learning
Organic Spectroscopy|Proton NMR|Mass spectrometry By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 5: Double Bond Equivalent DBE calculations & structure determination organic spectroscopy (Part-5)
Lecture 6: Anisotropic effect NMR| Proton NMR organic Spectroscopy(Part-6) for CSIR-NET GATE BARC IIT-JAM 2019
Lecture 7: First and second order Spectra NMR| NOE effect in NMR|Proton exchange Organic Spectroscopy (Part-7)
Lecture 8: C13 NMR Spectroscopy|Carbon13 NMR Spectroscopy Number of signals Practice problems in Hindi(Part-8)
Lecture 9: IR Spectroscopy Organic Chemistry (Part-1)|Infrared Spectroscopy|Organic Spectroscopy(Part-9)
Lecture 10: IR Spectroscopy Organic Chemistry (Part-2)|Infrared Spectroscopy|Organic Spectroscopy(Part-10)
Lecture 11: IR Spectroscopy Organic Chemistry (Part-3)|Infrared Spectroscopy|Organic Spectroscopy(Part-11)
Lecture 12: HeteronuclearNMR Spectroscopy(Part-1)Heteronuclear coupling correlation Organic spectroscopy Part-12
Lecture 14: HeteronuclearNMR Spectroscopy(Part-3) Satellite signal Organic spectroscopy Part-14 CSIR-NET 2019
Lecture 15: Mass spectrometry instrumentation principle(Part-1)|Mass spectroscopy organic chemistry(Part-15)
Lecture 16: Relative intensity Mass spectrometry(Part-2)|Intensity calculation organic chemistry (Part-16)