Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Optical Communication

Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: Dopamine
So Let Us Start to This Journey of Learning
Optical Communication By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 1: Introduction to Optical Communication I L 1
Lecture 4: Optical Spectral Band I L 4
Lecture 5: Optical Fiber : Structure and Material I L 5
Lecture 6: Ray Model of Light I L 6
Lecture 7: Critical Angle & TIR I L 7
Lecture 8: Meridional Ray & Skew Ray I L 8
Lecture 9: Acceptance Angle I L 9
Lecture 10: Numerical Aperture I L 10
Lecture 11: Electromagnetic Throry Introduction I L 11
Lecture 12: Phase Velocity & Group Velocity I L 12
Lecture 13: Wave Model Introduction I L 13
Lecture 14: Modes in Optical Waves I L 14
Lecture 15: Evanescent Field & Goos Hanchen Shift I L 15
Lecture 16: Cylindrical Fiber Modes I L 16
Lecture 17: Mode Coupling I L 17
Lecture 18: Step Index Fiber | L 18
Lecture 19: Graded Index Fiber | L 19
Lecture 20: Single Mode Operation | L 20
Lecture 21: Number of Modes and Cut off Wavelength | L 21
Lecture 22: Mode Field Diameter MFD & Spot Size | L 22
Lecture 23: Effective Refractive Index | L 23
Lecture 24: Group Delay & Mode Delay Factor | L 24
Lecture 25: The Gaussian Approximation
Lecture 26: Equivalent Step Index Method
Lecture 27: Signal Attenuation in Optical Fibers | L 27
Lecture 30: Non Linear Scattering Loss SBS SRS | L 30
Lecture 31: Fiber Bending Losses
Lecture 32: Dispersion in Optical Communication
Lecture 33: Dispersion in Multimode Step Index Fiber
Lecture 34: Dispersion in Multimode Graded Index Fiber
Lecture 35: Overall Dispersion in Single Mode Fiber
Lecture 37: Introduction to Polarization, PMD, PMF
Lecture 38: Fiber Birefrengenge
Lecture 39: Introduction of Optical Sources
Lecture 40: Introduction to LED
Lecture 41: LED Radiation Mechanism & Material
Lecture 42: Quantum Efficiency of LED & LED Power
Lecture 43: LED Structure
Lecture 44: LED Characteristics 1
Lecture 45: LED Characteristics 2
Lecture 46: Laser - Introduction
Lecture 47: Population Inversion
Lecture 48: Optical Feedback
Lecture 49: Threshold Gain Laser
Lecture 50: Laser Diode Rate Equation
Lecture 51: Quantum Efficiency of Laser
Lecture 52: Resonant Frequencies of Laser
Lecture 53: Laser Diode Structure and Radiation Pattern
Lecture 54: Current Confinement Methods
Lecture 55: Single Mode Laser
Lecture 56: Source to Fiber Power Launching
Lecture 57: Power Coupling Calculation
Lecture 59: Photodetector Characteristics Introduction
Lecture 60: Photodetector Characteristics Introduction
Lecture 61: Photodetector Type & Material
Lecture 63: PN Photodiode & PIN Photodiode
Lecture 65: Avalanche Photodiode
Lecture 66: Effect of Temperature on Avalanche Current Gain
Lecture 68: Photodetector Noise
Lecture 69: Detector Response Time
Lecture 70: Structure of InGaAs APDs
Lecture 71: Structure of InGaAs APDs
Lecture 72: Front End Amplifier
Lecture 73: Point to Point Link & Power Penalties
Lecture 74: Rise Time Budget Analysis
Lecture 75: Fiber to Fiber Joints
Lecture 76: Fiber Splices
Lecture 77: Fiber Connectors
Lecture 78: Fiber Coupler
Lecture 79: Optical Isolator and Optical Circulator
Lecture 80: Noise Effects in System Performance
Lecture 81: Optical Fiber Fabrication
Lecture 82: Wavelength Division Multiplexing WDM
Lecture 83: OADM Optical Add Drop Network
Lecture 84: DWDM Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing
Lecture 85: OTDR Optical Time Domain Reflectometer
Lecture 86: Dispersion Measurement
Lecture 87: Eye Diagram
Lecture 88: SONET SDH
Lecture 89: Optical Amplifiers
Lecture 90: Optical Measurement and Test Equipment
Lecture 91: Semiconductor Optical Amplifier
Lecture 92: EDFA Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier
Lecture 93: Raman Amplifier