Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Digital Electronics

Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: ALL ABOUT ELECTRONICS
So Let Us Start to This Journey of Learning
Digital Electronics By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 99: SR to JK Flip Flop, SR to D Flip-Flop and SR to T Flip-Flop Conversion | Flip-Flop Conversion
Lecture 100: JK to SR Flip Flop, JK to D Flip-Flop and JK to T Flip-Flop Conversion | Flip-Flop Conversion
Lecture 102: D to SR Flip Flop, D to JK Flip-Flop, and D to T Flip-Flop Conversion | Flip-Flop Conversion
Lecture 103: T to SR Flip Flop, T to JK Flip Flop and T to D Flip Flop Conversion | Flip-Flop Conversion
Lecture 107: Shift Register : Serial In Serial Out (SISO) Register Explained | Bidirectional Shift Register
Lecture 109: Shift Register: SIPO, PISO and PIPO Shift Registers | What is Universal Shift Register?
Lecture 115: BCD Ripple Counter (with Simulation) | Ripple Counter as Frequency Divider | Cascading of Counters
Lecture 118: Ripple Counter (Asynchronous Counter ) Solved Problem | Digital Electronics | Quiz # 431
Lecture 119: Synchronous Counters Explained (Part-1)
Lecture 120: Synchronous and Asynchronous Counter (Ripple Counter) | Digital Electronics | Quiz # 432
Lecture 127: Which output will never occur for the given digital circuit ? (Digital Electronics) | Quiz # 464
Lecture 128: Introduction to ADC and DAC
Lecture 129: Binary Weighted Resistor DAC Explained
Lecture 130: R-2R Ladder DAC Explained (with Solved Example)
Lecture 134: Analog to Digital Converter (Quiz # 223)
Lecture 135: Dual Slope ADC Solved Problem | Quiz # 377
Lecture 136: Counter Type ADC Explained
Lecture 138: Successive Approximation ADC Explained
Lecture 146: Quiz # 200 (Analog to Digital Converter - ADC)
Lecture 147: Analog to Digital Converter | Quiz #146
Lecture 148: ADC : Offset Error and Gain Error Explained
Lecture 153: What is Pull up Resistor and Pull Down Resistor ? How to select the pull-up resistor value ?
Lecture 155: Noise Margin and Fan-out of Logic Gate Explained
Lecture 158: CMOS Inverter (Digital Electronics) | Quiz # 438
Lecture 160: Pass Transistor Logic Explained | How to Implement Logic Gates using Pass Transistor Logic ?
Lecture 162: Finite State Machine Explained | Mealy Machine and Moore Machine | What is State Diagram ?
Lecture 165: Can you find the State Diagram of the given Logic Circuit ? (Digital Electronics) | Quiz # 454
Lecture 169: Sequence Detector | How to Design a Finite State Machine ? Step By Step Guide with Examples
Lecture 171: Design of Moore Sequence Detector (Overlapping and Non-overlapping) Explained with Simulation
Lecture 173: Mealy Machine to Moore Machine Conversion Explained | How to Convert Mealy Machine to Moore Machine
Lecture 174: Moore to Mealy Conversion Explained | How to Convert the Moore Machine to Mealy Machine
Lecture 175: Difference between Mealy Machine and Moore Machine