Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Thermodynamics: classical to statistical

Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: NPTEL IIT Guwahati
So Let Us Start to This Journey of Learning
Thermodynamics: classical to statistical By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 1: Thermodynamics: classical to statistical
Lecture 4: Lec 03: Introduction to Entropy
Lecture 6: Lec 05: Gibbs and Helmholtz free energy
Lecture 7: Lec 06: Introduction to chemical potential
Lecture 12: Lec 11: Phase Diagram of one component systems
Lecture 13: Lec 12: Phase Diagram of two component systems
Lecture 15: Lec 14: Macroscopic and microscopic states; Boltzmann distribution; Canonical partition function
Lecture 16: Lec 15: Calculation of different thermodynamical quantities using canonical partition function
Lecture 19: Lec 18: Rotational partition function
Lecture 22: Lec 21: Problems on classical thermodynamics-1
Lecture 23: Lec 22: Problems on classical thermodynamics-2
Lecture 24: Lec 23: Problems on statistical thermodynamics-1
Lecture 25: Lec 24: Problems on statistical thermodynamics-2
Lecture 26: Lec 25: Problems on statistical thermodynamics-3
Lecture 27: Lec 26: Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein statistics
Lecture 28: Lec 27: Ideal Fermi Gas
Lecture 30: Lec 29: Bose-Einstein Condensation
Lecture 32: Lec 31: Specific Heats of Solids
Lecture 33: Lec 32: Problems on statistical thermodynamics-4
Lecture 34: Lec 33: Advance problems-1
Lecture 35: Lec 34: Advance Problems-2
Lecture 36: Lec 35: Advance Problems-3
Lecture 37: Lec 36: Advance Problems-4
Lecture 38: Lec 37: Advance Problems-5