Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Applied Statistical Thermodynamics
Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: NPTEL IIT Guwahati
So Let Us Start to This Journey of Learning
Applied Statistical Thermodynamics By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 1: Applied Statistical Thermodynamics
Lecture 3: Lec 2: Postulates and Boltzmann Distribution
Lecture 9: Lec 8: Partition Function for Diatomic Gases
Lecture 10: Lec 9: Vibrational Partition Function
Lecture 12: Lec 11: Normal Mode Analysis
Lecture 13: Lec 12: Illustrations
Lecture 14: Lec 13: Non-reacting Ideal Gas Mixture
Lecture 15: Lec 14: Chemically Reacting Gas Mixture
Lecture 16: Lec 15: Degree of Ionization of Gas Molecules
Lecture 17: Lec 16: Problems on Ionization of Gas Molecules
Lecture 19: Lec 18: Isobaric Isothermal Ensemble
Lecture 22: Lec 21: Problems and Adsorbtion Isotherms
Lecture 24: Lec 23: Virial Equation of State
Lecture 29: Lec 29: Einstein Model
Lecture 30: Lec 30: Einstein Model (Continued)
Lecture 31: Lec 31: Debye Model
Lecture 33: Lec 33: Flory Huggin's Model
Lecture 34: Lec 34: Ising Model
Lecture 35: Lec 35: Radial Distribution Function
Lecture 36: Lec 36: Radial Distribution Function
Lecture 37: Lec 37: Molecular Dynamics Simulations