Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Education UGC NET
Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: Inculcate Learning
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Education UGC NET By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 79: CBA vs CEA | Cost Benefit Analysis vs Cost Effective Analysis |UGC NET Education| Inculcate Learning
Lecture 80: Signaling Theory | Unit-2; Economics of Education | UGC NET Education/SET | Inculcate Learning |
Lecture 81: Human Capital Theory | Unit-2; Economics of Education | UGC NET Education/SET | Inculcate Learning
Lecture 82: Signaling vs Human Capital Theory | UGC NET Education/SET| Inculcate Learning | By Ravina
Lecture 83: Micro vs Macro Finance | Economics of Education | B.Ed./M.Ed./UGC NET Education/SET | Ravina
Lecture 84: Concept of Budgeting | Budgetary Methods and Techniques | UGC NET Education @InculcateLearningRavina
Lecture 85: #1 National Education Policy, 2020 (NEP) | Vision | Introduction | Overview | Most Important Policy
Lecture 86: #2 NEP, 2020 | Fundamental Principles | B.Ed. | M.Ed. | UGC NET | Other Teaching Exams | By Ravina
Lecture 87: #3 NEP, 2020 | School Education | Part-1 | B.Ed | M.Ed. | UGC NET | In Detail | Inculcate Learning
Lecture 88: #4 NEP, 2020 | Higher Education | Part-II | B.Ed. | M.Ed. | UGC NET | Inculcate Learning | Ravina
Lecture 89: #5 NEP, 2020 | Other Key Areas of Focus | Part-III | B.Ed. | M.Ed.| UGC NET | Inculcate Learning
Lecture 90: #6 NEP, 2020 | Making It Happen | Part-4 | B.Ed. | M.Ed. | UGC NET | Inculcate Learning | By Ravina
Lecture 91: NCF for Foundational Stage 2022 Most Detailed Explanation KVS PRT/TGT/PGT Ravina @InculcateLearning
Lecture 92: NCFSE-2023 (In Detail) Most Important for All Teaching Exams @InculcateLearning By Ravina
Lecture 93: Class-42 FLN/NIPUN Bharat Most Imp Topic KVS Pedagogy PRT/TGT/PGT By Ravina @InculcateLearning
Lecture 94: Yash Pal Committee Report (Learning Without Burden), 1993 | Imp. for All Teaching Exams By Ravina
Lecture 95: Economics of Education | SSB PGT Recruitment, 2023 Odisha/M.Ed./All Teaching Exam By Ravina
Lecture 96: Education and Economic Development | SSB PGT Recruitment, 2023 Odisha/M.Ed./All Teaching Exam Ravina
Lecture 97: Education as Investment | SSB PGT Recruitment, 2023 Odisha/M.Ed./All Teaching Exam By Ravina
Lecture 98: Cost Analysis in Education | SSB PGT Recruitment, 2023 Odisha/M.Ed./All Teaching Exam By Ravina
Lecture 99: Different Costs in Education | SSB PGT Recruitment, 2023 Odisha/M.Ed./All Teaching Exam By Ravina
Lecture 100: Role of Govt. in Financing Education | SSB PGT Recruitment, 2023 Odisha/M.Ed./All Teaching Exam
Lecture 101: Concept of Growth & Development | B.Ed. | M.Ed. | UGC NET Education | Inculcate Learning | By Ravina
Lecture 102: Principles of Growth and Development | PPT | B.Ed. | M.Ed. | UGC NET Education | Inculcate Learning
Lecture 103: Factors affecting Growth & Development | B.Ed. | M.Ed. | UGC NET Education | Inculcate Learning
Lecture 104: Class-1 KVS Pedagogy for KVS PRT/TGT/PGT Exam 2023 | Growth & Development @InculcateLearning Ravina
Lecture 105: Cognitive Processes- Basic & Advance/High/Complex Cognitive Processes By Ravina @InculcateLearning
Lecture 106: Personality | Nature, Approaches, Determinants of Personality | B.Ed. | M.Ed. | Inculcate Learning
Lecture 107: Personality Assessment Methods | B.Ed. | M.Ed. | UGC NET Education | Inculcate Learning | By Ravina
Lecture 108: Personality Theories | Type Theories | Trait Theories | B.Ed. | M.Ed. | For all Teaching Exams | PPT
Lecture 109: Carl Rogers Humanistic Theory | Theory of Personality | TETs | SETs | UGC NET | Inculcate Learning
Lecture 110: Rorschach Ink Blot Test | Detail | B.Ed. | M.Ed. | UGC NET Education | Inculcate Learning | Ravina
Lecture 111: Psychosexual Stages of Development | Id, Ego, Superego | Defence Mechanisms | Sigmund Freud | Detail
Lecture 113: Sheldon Personality Theory | HTET/CTET/STET/UGC NET/SET | Inculcate Learning | By Ravina
Lecture 114: Intelligence:- Meaning/Definition/Types/Characteristics For All Teaching Exams @InculcateLearning
Lecture 116: Concept of IQ/Terman's Classification/Constancy of IQ | For All Teaching Exams @InculcateLearning
Lecture 117: Class-5 HPSC PGT (Edu Psy) Emotional Intelligence & Its Implications in T-L @InculcateLearning
Lecture 119: Mono or Uni-Factor Theory/Unitary or Monarchic Theory | Theories of Intelligence @InculcateLearning
Lecture 120: Spearman's Two Factor Theory | For all Teaching Exams |Theories of Intelligence @InculcateLearning
Lecture 121: Oligarchic Theory/Sampling Theory For All Teaching Exam Theories of Intelligence@InculcateLearning
Lecture 122: Thorndike's Multiple Factor Theory/Anarchic Theory For All Teaching Exams @InculcateLearning Ravina
Lecture 123: Thurston Primary Mental Abilities/Group Factor Theory For All Teaching Exams @InculcateLearning
Lecture 124: SOI Model of Guilford | Theories of Intelligence | For All Teaching Exams @InculcateLearning Ravina
Lecture 125: Vernon's Hierarchial Theory of Intelligence | For All Teaching Exams @InculcateLearning Ravina
Lecture 126: Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligence Theory | For All Teaching Exams @InculcateLearning Ravina
Lecture 127: Howard Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences | CTET/HTET/TETs/UGC NET/SETs | Inculcate Learning
Lecture 128: Arthur Jensen's Two Level Theory/Theory of Mental Functioning |Campion & Brown's Intelligence Theory
Lecture 129: Crystal & Fluid Intelligence Theory By Cattell & Horn @InculcateLearning Theories of Intelligence
Lecture 130: Triarchic Theory of Intelligence By Sternberg | For All Teaching Exams @InculcateLearning Ravina
Lecture 131: PASS Model of Intelligence | Intelligence Theories | For all Teaching Exams @InculcateLearning
Lecture 132: MCQs | Intelligence & Personality Theories | TETs | SETs | UGC NET Education | Inculcate Learning |
Lecture 133: Assessment of Intelligence | Intelligence Tests For All Teaching Exams @InculcateLearning By Ravina
Lecture 134: Intelligence Tests | HTET/CTET/STET/UGC NET/SET | Short Notes | Inculcate Learning | By Ravina
Lecture 135: Verbal Individual Intelligence Tests | B.Ed./M.Ed./All Teaching Exams @InculcateLearning By Ravina
Lecture 136: Performance Individual Intelligence Tests |B.Ed./M.Ed./All Teaching Exams @InculcateLearning Ravina
Lecture 137: Verbal & Non-Verbal Group Intelligence Tests|B.Ed./M.Ed./All Teaching Exams@InculcateLearning Ravina
Lecture 138: Uses, Misuses & Abuses of Intelligence Tests|B.Ed./M.Ed./All Teaching Exams@InculcateLearning Ravina
Lecture 139: Thinking | B.Ed. (PPT Notes) | Childhood and Growing Up | Inculcate Learning | By Ravina
Lecture 140: Types of Thinking | KVS/NET/B.Ed./M.Ed./For All Teaching Exams @InculcateLearning By Ravina
Lecture 141: Class-8 DSSSB Pedagogy Special Classes 2023 Thinking | Language & Though- Ravina@InculcateLearning
Lecture 142: Creativity | Techniques to foster creativity | Relationship of Creativity & Intelligence | By Ravina
Lecture 143: Piaget Cognitive Development Theory | CTET/HTET/UPTET/B.Ed./M.Ed./UGC NET/SET | Inculcate Learning
Lecture 144: Piaget's Theory of Moral Development | B.Ed. | M.Ed. | Teaching Exams | Inculcate Learning | Ravina
Lecture 145: Vygotsky Socio-Cultural Theory | CTET/HTET/UPTET/STET/UGC NET/SET | Inculcate Learning | By Ravina
Lecture 146: Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development | B.Ed. | M.Ed. | UGC NET | Inculcate Learning | By Ravina
Lecture 147: Cognitive Development Theory | PPT notes | B.Ed | Gender, School and Society | Inculcate Learning
Lecture 148: Erik Erikson's Theory of Psycho-Social Development | CTET/HTET/TETs/UGC NET/SET | Inculcate Learning
Lecture 149: Bruner's Cognitive Development Theory | HTET/CTET/STET/UGC NET/SET| Short Notes | Inculcate Learning
Lecture 150: earning | Meaning | Definition | Factors affecting Learning | | Inculcate Learning | By Ravina
Lecture 151: Transfer of Learning | Theories of Transfer of Learning | TETs/OSSTET/CHT/IAT/UGC NET/SET
Lecture 152: Pavlov Theory of Classical Conditioning | B.Ed. | M.Ed. | UGC NET | Inculcate Learning | By Ravina
Lecture 153: Skinner Theory of Operant Conditioning | Learning Theories | B.Ed. | M.Ed. | UGC NET | By Ravina
Lecture 154: Thorndike Trial and Error Theory | Theory of Learning | Laws of Learning | Inculcate Learning