Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on SSB PGT Education Odisha
Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: Inculcate Learning
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SSB PGT Education Odisha By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 157: Strategies & Stages of Curriculum Development | M.Ed./UGC NET Education | Inculcate Learning |Ravina
Lecture 158: Role of UGC in Curriculum Development | Curriculum Studies | UGC NET Education | Inculcate Learning
Lecture 159: Mathetics Programmed Instruction | B.Ed./M.Ed./UGC NET Education/SET | Inculcate Learning |Ravina
Lecture 160: Class-30 | Curriculum Framework/Models of Curriculum/Curriculum vs Syllabus | NTA UGC NET Paper-1
Lecture 161: Guidance & Counselling | Meaning, Definition, Aspects of Guidance | B.Ed./M.Ed./UGC NET Education
Lecture 162: Nature, Need, Importance of Guidance | Guidance & Counselling | B.Ed./M.Ed./UGC NET Education
Lecture 163: Principles of Guidance | Guidance & Counselling | B.Ed./M.Ed./UGC NET Education | Inculcate Learning
Lecture 164: Scope/Domains/Types of Guidance | Guidance & Counselling | B.Ed./M.Ed./UGC NET Education | Ravina
Lecture 165: Guidance Services | Guidance & Counselling | B.Ed./M.Ed./UGC NET Education | Inculcate Learning |
Lecture 166: Counselling - Meaning, Definition, Fundamental Characteristics | B.Ed./M.Ed./UGC NET Education
Lecture 167: Need, Principles & Types of Counselling | B.Ed./M.Ed./UGC NET Education | Inculcate Learning
Lecture 169: Difference between Directive & Non-Directive Counselling | B.Ed./M.Ed./UGC NET | Inculcate Learning
Lecture 170: Eclectic Counselling | Types of Counselling | B.Ed./M.Ed./UGC NET Education | Inculcate Learning
Lecture 171: Observation | Guidance & Counselling | B.Ed./M.Ed./UGC NET Education | Inculcate Learning | Ravina
Lecture 172: Interview | Guidance & Counselling | B.Ed./M.Ed./UGC NET Education | Inculcate Learning | By Ravina
Lecture 173: REBT - Albert Ellis | Cognitive-Behavioural Counselling | UGC NET Education/SET | Inculcate Learning
Lecture 174: Humanistic Approach to Counselling | B.Ed./M.Ed./UGC NET Education/SET| Inculcate Learning | Ravina
Lecture 175: Person Centered Counseling- Carl Rogers | B.Ed./M.Ed./UGC NET Education/SET | Inculcate Learning |
Lecture 176: Marxism | Western Schools of Philosophy | For All Teaching Exams @InculcateLearning By Ravina
Lecture 177: Class-25 Significance of Mean for Large Samples/Level of Confidence Statistics in Edu & Psychology
Lecture 178: Education and Democracy |SSB PGT Recruitment, 2023 Odisha/All Teaching Exam @InculcateLearning
Lecture 179: Case Study Research Design | Qualitative Research Design | UGC NET Education/SET |Inculcate Learning
Lecture 180: Concept of Portfolio (In Detail) UGC NET Education/All Teaching Exams @InculcateLearning By Ravina
Lecture 181: Class-26 Significance of Mean for Small Samples/Concept of t-distribution & degree of freedom
Lecture 182: Education and Values | SSB PGT Recruitment, 2023 Odisha/All Teaching Exam @InculcateLearning Ravina
Lecture 183: SSB PGT Education Paper-1 Unit-3 SSB PGT Recruitment,2023 Odisha/All Teaching Exam@InculcateLearning
Lecture 184: Education in Ancient India | SSB PGT Recruitment, 2023 Odisha/All Teaching Exam @InculcateLearning
Lecture 185: Vedic Education System | M.Ed | UGC NET Paper-1 | Unit-10 - Higher Education | Inculcate Learning
Lecture 186: Ancient Universities | Taxila | UGC NET Paper-1 | Unit-10 - Higher Education | Inculcate Learning
Lecture 187: Education in Medieval India | SSB PGT Recruitment, 2023 Odisha/All Teaching Exam @InculcateLearning
Lecture 188: Islamic Education System | M.Ed. | UGC NET Paper-1 | Unit-10 - Higher Education | Inculcate Learning
Lecture 189: Basics of Comparative Education | SSB PGT Recruitment, 2023 Odisha/M.Ed./All Teaching Exam By Ravina
Lecture 190: Phases of Comparative Education | SSB PGT Recruitment, 2023 Odisha/M.Ed./All Teaching Exam By Ravina
Lecture 191: Methods of Comparative Education | SSB PGT Recruitment, 2023 Odisha/M.Ed./All Teaching Exam Ravina
Lecture 193: Basic Factors of Comparative Education | SSB PGT Recruitment, 2023 Odisha/M.Ed./All Teaching Exam
Lecture 194: Approaches of Comparative Education |SSB PGT Recruitment, 2023 Odisha/M.Ed./All Teaching Exam Ravina
Lecture 195: Structure of Education System in UK |SSB PGT Recruitment, 2023 Odisha/M.Ed./All Teaching Exam Ravina
Lecture 196: Structure of Education System in USA|SSB PGT Recruitment, 2023 Odisha/M.Ed./All Teaching Exam Ravina
Lecture 197: Comparison of Education System in USA/UK/India |SSB PGT Recruitment, 2023 Odisha/M.Ed./Teaching Exam
Lecture 198: Concept of Teacher Effectiveness |SSB PGT Recruitment, 2023 Odisha/M.Ed./All Teaching Exam By Ravina
Lecture 199: Qualities of a Good Teacher | Pedagogy | TETs | B.Ed. | M.Ed. | UGC NET | Inculcate Learning
Lecture 200: Economics of Education | SSB PGT Recruitment, 2023 Odisha/M.Ed./All Teaching Exam By Ravina
Lecture 201: Human Capital Theory | Unit-2; Economics of Education | UGC NET Education/SET | Inculcate Learning
Lecture 202: Signaling Theory | Unit-2; Economics of Education | UGC NET Education/SET | Inculcate Learning |
Lecture 203: Signaling vs Human Capital Theory | UGC NET Education/SET| Inculcate Learning | By Ravina
Lecture 204: Education and Economic Development | SSB PGT Recruitment, 2023 Odisha/M.Ed./All Teaching Exam Ravina
Lecture 205: Flanders Interaction Analysis Category System | FIACS | B.Ed./M.Ed./UGC NET | Inculcate Learning |
Lecture 206: Galloway's System of Interaction Analysis - In Detail | Teaching Exams/UGC NET Education/SET- Ravina
Lecture 207: Education as Investment | SSB PGT Recruitment, 2023 Odisha/M.Ed./All Teaching Exam By Ravina
Lecture 208: Cost Analysis in Education | SSB PGT Recruitment, 2023 Odisha/M.Ed./All Teaching Exam By Ravina
Lecture 209: Different Costs in Education | SSB PGT Recruitment, 2023 Odisha/M.Ed./All Teaching Exam By Ravina
Lecture 210: Teleconference- Emerging Trends in Educational Technology| SSB PGT Recruitment, 2023 Odisha/M.Ed.
Lecture 211: Basics of Satellite Based Education | SSB PGT Recruitment, 2023 Odisha/M.Ed./All Teaching Exam
Lecture 212: SITE, INSAT, IGNOU, EduSAT | SSB PGT Recruitment, 2023 Odisha/M.Ed./All Teaching Exam By Ravina
Lecture 213: Universalization of School Education | PPT notes | UEE | B.Ed. | M.Ed. | Inculcate Learning | Ravina
Lecture 214: SSA | Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan | B.Ed. | M.Ed. | UGC NET Paper-1 | Inculcate Learning | By Ravina
Lecture 215: RMSA | Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan | B.Ed. | M.Ed. | UGC NET Inculcate Learning | By Ravina
Lecture 216: Vocationalization of Secondary Education | B.Ed. | M.Ed. | PPT | Inculcate Learning | By Ravina
Lecture 217: MCQs | NCF, 2005 | RTE Act, 2009 | TETs | SETs | UGC NET Education | Inculcate Learning | By Ravina
Lecture 218: Tyler's Goal Attainment Model | Curriculum Evaluation Models | B.Ed./M.Ed./UGC NET Education/SET
Lecture 219: Role of Govt. in Financing Education | SSB PGT Recruitment, 2023 Odisha/M.Ed./All Teaching Exam
Lecture 220: Programmed Learning or Instruction | SSB PGT Recruitment, 2023 Odisha/M.Ed./All Teaching Exam Ravina
Lecture 221: Personalised System of Instruction | SSB PGT Recruitment, 2023 Odisha/M.Ed./All Teaching Exam Ravina
Lecture 222: Team Teaching | SSB PGT Recruitment, 2023 Odisha/M.Ed./All Teaching Exam By Ravina@InculcateLearning
Lecture 223: System Approach in instructional process | SSB PGT Recruitment, 2023 Odisha/M.Ed./All Teaching Exam
Lecture 224: Class-36 KVS Pedagogy PRT/TGT/PGT Perspectives on School Leadership @InculcateLearning By Ravina
Lecture 225: LMX Theory | Leader-Member Exchange Theory | Leadership Models | UGC NET Education/SET | By Ravina
Lecture 226: Hersey Blanchard's Situational Leadership Model | Leadership Models | UGC NET Education/SET| Ravina
Lecture 227: Fiedler's Contingency Theory | Leadership Models | UGC NET Education/SET| Inculcate Learning |Ravina
Lecture 228: Tri-Dimensional Model | Leadership Models | UGC NET Education/SET | Inculcate Learning | Ravina
Lecture 229: Blake & Mouton's Managerial Grid | Leadership Models | UGC NET Education/SET | Inculcate Learning
Lecture 230: Educational Management | Concept in Detail | TETs/OSSTET/UGC NET | Inculcate Learning | By Ravina
Lecture 231: Principles of Educational Management | OSSTET/TETs/UGC NET/SETs | Inculcate Learning | By Ravina
Lecture 232: Aspects & Scope of Educational Management | OSSTET/TETs/UGC NET/SETs | Inculcate Learning | Ravina