Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Unit-1 Educational Studies (UGC NET Education)
Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: Inculcate Learning
So Let Us Start to This Journey of Learning
Unit-1 Educational Studies (UGC NET Education) By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 1: Philosophy | Meaning of Philosophy | TETs/UGC NET Education/SET | Inculcate Learning | By Ravina
Lecture 3: Indian Schools of Philosophy | Orthodox & Unorthodox | TETs/UGC NET Education | Inculcate Learning
Lecture 4: Theory of Causation | Sankhya Philosophy | TETs/UGC NET Education/SET | Inculcate Learning | Ravina
Lecture 5: Sadhana Chatushtaya - Vedanta Philosophy | B.Ed./M.Ed./UGC NET Education/SET | Inculcate Learning |
Lecture 6: Samkhya Philosophy | Samkhya Karika | Indian School of Philosophy | M.Ed./UGC NET Education
Lecture 7: Yoga Philosophy | Indian Schools of Philosophy | M.Ed./UGC NET Education/SET | Inculcate Learning
Lecture 8: Vedanta Philosophy | Indian Schools of Philosophy | B.Ed./M.Ed./UGC NET Education/SET | By Ravina
Lecture 9: Buddhism | Indian Schools of Philosophy | B.Ed./M.Ed./UGC NET Education/SET | Inculcate Learning |
Lecture 10: Jainism | Indian Schools of Philosophy | B.Ed./M.Ed./UGC NET Education/SET | Inculcate Learning |
Lecture 11: Dayanand Darshan in Education | Schools of Philosophy | B.Ed./M.Ed./UGC NET Education/SET | Ravina
Lecture 12: Idealism | Western Schools of Philosophy | For All Teaching Exams | Inculcate Learning | By Ravina
Lecture 13: Realism | Western Schools of Philosophy | TETs | SETs | UGC NET | B.Ed. | M.Ed | B.El.Ed. | D.El.Ed.
Lecture 14: Symbolic Interaction Theory | Gender, School and Society | B.Ed | Inculcate Learning | By Ravina
Lecture 15: Conflict Theory | PPT notes | Gender, School and Society | B.Ed. | Inculcate Learning | By Ravina
Lecture 16: Agencies of Socialization | Childhood and Growing Up | B.Ed. | PPT | Inculcate Learning | By Ravina
Lecture 17: Concept of Social Movements | B.Ed./M.Ed./UGC NET Education/SET | Inculcate Learning | Ravina
Lecture 18: Theory of Relative Deprivation | Theories of Social Movements for UGC NET Paper-2 Education - Ravina
Lecture 19: Theory of Resource Mobilization | Theories of Social Movements for UGC NET Paper-2 Education -Ravina
Lecture 20: Political Process Theory | Theories of Social Movements for UGC NET Paper-2 Education - By Ravina
Lecture 21: Swami Vivekananda | Contribution of Educational Thinkers | UGC NET Education | Inculcate Learning
Lecture 22: Rabindranath Tagore | Contribution of Educational Thinkers | UGC NET Education | Inculcate Learning
Lecture 23: Mahatma Gandhi | Contribution of Educational Thinkers | B.Ed. | M.Ed. | UGC NET | Inculcate Learning
Lecture 24: Sri Aurobindo Ghosh | In Detail | B.Ed. | M.Ed. | UGC NET Education | Inculcate Learning | By Ravina
Lecture 25: J Krishnamurti | Educational Thinkers | B.Ed./M.Ed./UGC NET Education/SET | Inculcate Learning |
Lecture 26: Paulo Freire | Educational Theory | B.Ed./M.Ed./UGC NET Education/SET| Inculcate Learning | Ravina
Lecture 27: Marry Wollstonecraft | Educational Thinkers | B.Ed./M.Ed./UGC NET Education/SET | Inculcate Learning
Lecture 28: Nel Noddings | Educational Thinker | B.Ed./M.Ed./UGC NET Education/SET | Inculcate Learning | Ravina
Lecture 29: Savitribai Phule | UGC NET Education | Contribution of Educational Thinkers | Inculcate Learning
Lecture 30: New Social Movement Theory | Theories of Social Movements for UGC NET Paper-2 Education - By Ravina
Lecture 31: Existentialism |Western Philosophies/SSB PGT Recruitment, Odisha/UGC NET Education@InculcateLearning
Lecture 32: Perennialism |Western Philosophies/SSB PGT Recruitment, Odisha/UGC NET Education@InculcateLearning
Lecture 33: Naturalism | Western Schools of Philosophy | For All Teaching Exams @InculcateLearning By Ravina
Lecture 34: Marxism | Western Schools of Philosophy | For All Teaching Exams @InculcateLearning By Ravina
Lecture 35: Easton's Input Output Model | Derivatives of System Analysis | UGC NET Education @InculcateLearning
Lecture 36: ystem Approach in instructional process | SSB PGT Recruitment, 2023 Odisha/M.Ed./All Teaching Exam
Lecture 37: Structural Functionalism By Gabriel Almond | Talcott Parsons | UGC NET Education Paper-2 By Ravina
Lecture 38: John Dewey | Contribution of Educational Thinkers | SSB PGT Recruitment, Odisha/UGC NET Education