Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Electrical - Signals and System
Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: nptelhrd
So Let Us Start to This Journey of Learning
Electrical - Signals and System By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 1: Lecture-01 Signals
Lecture 2: Lecture-02 Domain & Range of signal
Lecture 3: Lecture-03 System Introduction
Lecture 4: Lecture-04 Signal Properties
Lecture 7: Lecture-07 Transformations on time & Range
Lecture 8: Lecture-08 System Properties
Lecture 9: Lecture-09 System Properties
Lecture 11: Lecture-11 LTI system
Lecture 14: Lecture-14 Properties of Convolution
Lecture 15: Lecture-15 Differential Equations
Lecture 16: Lecture-16 Solving Differential Equation
Lecture 20: Lecture-20 Difference Equation Intro
Lecture 22: Lecture-22 Filters
Lecture 23: Lecture-23 Implementation with Integrators
Lecture 24: Lecture-24 Theory of Signal Representation
Lecture 25: Lecture-25 Representation of Periodic Signal
Lecture 26: Lecture-26 Fourier Series
Lecture 27: Lecture-27 Fourier Spectrum
Lecture 28: Lecture-28 Fourier Transform
Lecture 29: Lecture-29 Properties of CTFT
Lecture 30: Lecture-30 Properties of CTFT
Lecture 33: Lecture-33 Discrete Time Fourier Transform
Lecture 36: Lecture-36 Ideal Sampling
Lecture 37: Lecture-37 Flat Top Sampling
Lecture 38: Lecture-38 Faithful Sampling
Lecture 39: Lecture-39 Interpolation
Lecture 40: Lecture-40 Laplace Transform
Lecture 41: Lecture-41 Inverse Laplace Transform
Lecture 42: Lecture-42 Properties of Laplace Transform
Lecture 43: Lecture-43 Z-Transform
Lecture 44: Lecture-44 Inverse Z Transform
Lecture 45: Lecture-45 Properties of Z Transform