Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Fractions | 4th Grade | Khan Academy

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Fractions | 4th Grade | Khan Academy
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Lecture 3: Multiplying unit fractions and whole numbers
Lecture 5: Comparing fractions on a number line
Lecture 7: Equivalent fractions and different wholes
Lecture 8: Visualizing equivalent fractions
Lecture 9: Adding fractions with like denominators
Lecture 10: Multiplying fractions word problem: milk love
Lecture 11: Intro to equivalent fractions
Lecture 12: Subtracting fractions with like denominators
Lecture 16: Whole number and fraction multiplication concept
Lecture 17: Decomposing a fraction visually
Lecture 18: Decomposing a mixed number
Lecture 19: Word problem: How long is this lizard?
Lecture 20: Decompose hundredths on number line
Lecture 22: Finding common denominators
Lecture 23: Comparing fractions visually with a bar
Lecture 24: Adding mixed numbers introduction
Lecture 25: Figuring out how much pizza is left
Lecture 26: Comparing fractions visually with pies
Lecture 27: Mixed numbers: changing to improper fractions
Lecture 28: More on equivalent fractions
Lecture 29: Visually converting from tenths to hundredths
Lecture 31: Subtracting mixed numbers introduction