Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Decimals | 4th Grade | Khan Academy

Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: Khan Academy
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Decimals | 4th Grade | Khan Academy
By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 2: Converting decimals to fractions example 2
Lecture 3: Introduction to decimals
Lecture 4: Converting decimals to fractions example 1
Lecture 5: Comparing decimals example 1
Lecture 6: Comparing decimals example 3
Lecture 9: Converting decimals to fractions example 3
Lecture 10: Comparing numbers represented in different ways
Lecture 11: Comparing decimals visually example
Lecture 12: Comparing decimals example 2
Lecture 14: Decimals as words
Lecture 15: Decimal intuition with grids (examples)