Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Measurement and data | 4th Grade | Khan Academy

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Measurement and data | 4th Grade | Khan Academy
By Lecture Notes together!
Lecture 4: How to read a line plot that uses fractions
Lecture 9: U.S. customary units: weight
Lecture 10: Metric system: units of distance
Lecture 11: Metric system: units of volume
Lecture 12: U.S. customary units: distance
Lecture 13: Finding reasonable unit of measurement example
Lecture 14: Metric system: units of weight
Lecture 15: Time word problem: How long is Susan's break?
Lecture 16: Choose pounds or ounces to measure weight
Lecture 17: Currency conversion word problem
Lecture 18: Word problem: making change
Lecture 19: U.S. customary units: fluid volume
Lecture 21: How to convert feet to inches